Dear blog pardner, Tension has been high in the household due to the lack of the greenback. I believe as usual, it is just our tainted perspective, cheered on by mass consciousness, that is causing the misguided feelings that are running amok. As I watched Survivor the other night, I was struck by the over blown emotional display of the Vegas show girl as she sobbed and writhed in the hammock, on the most gorgeous of pacific islands, with the camera (that's right the camera) deep in her face...
Birth of a Blog!!! My dearest blog partner Pat, As I float through my morning filled with blog research and blogging to myself in my head, I find I must categorize this blogalogue into subjects of the day, in order that I do not blog on endlessly about exciting personal subjects that may cause our already expanding reader audience to abort their mundane tasks in favor of getting caught up in mine. I will now end my quest to use the word blog as many times as I can wit...
Who are we! We are that we are. A Colorado couple that dig travel, nature, live music, film, food and mind expansion. We are also writers, looking for an outlet. We will discuss between us, our adventures, opinions, and interpersonal drama. We are parents, teachers, dancers, dreamers, hikers, hippies, philosophers, fighters. Discussion topics could range form Bush-bashing to blowjobs, book-reviews to microbrews, jam bands to bar-room blues. Tune in, turn on, blog out.